Thursday, February 20, 2014

أكاديمية بلو أوشن نظمت مؤتمراً يشدد على أهمية محترفي التوريد

الشركات بحاجة إلى محترفي توريد مؤهلين وخبراء في التكنولوجيا للحد من التكاليف في ظل الظروف الاقتصادية الراهنة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط

نظمت أكاديمية بلو أوشن الرائدة في المنطقة في مجال تمكين المعرفة أول مؤتمر دولي حول التوريد في العاصمة القطرية، الدوحة. وقد جمع هذا المؤتمر مدراء ورؤساء أقسام التوريد لدى أكبر وأبرز الشركات في منطقة  الشرق الأوسط للتباحث في أفضل الممارسات ومناقشة موضوع المؤتمر الرئيسي: "التطوّر في حقل التوريد: التحديات التي يجب مواجهتها".


وخلال المؤتمر، اتفق الخبراء على أنّ مديري أقسام التوريد لم يعودوا مجرد موظفين عاديين يؤمنون صلة الوصل بين الشركة وشركات أخرى بل هم يشكلون جزءاً مما أسموه "إدارة تدفق القيمة" لوصف عملية التوريد العالمية بشكل دقيق. وقد وافقوا أيضاً على أنّ محترفي التوريد المتدربين والخبراء في التكنولوجيا هم الأشخاص الذين تحتاج إليهم الشركات والمؤسسات في الوقت الراهن أكثر من أي وقت مضى للحد من التكاليف وزيادة المداخيل في ظل الظروف الاقتصادية الحالية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط.

وفي هذا الصدد، قال سامر عبد الرحيم، نائب رئيس التوريد لدى الخطوط الجوية القطرية، الذي يترأس برنامج تغيير التوريد في الشركة: "إنّ طلب العملاء المتزايد، والتغييرات الكبيرة التي تلحق بالتكنولوجيا، والتحديات الاقتصادية المتزايدة، والمخاطر الكبيرة التي تواجه الأعمال تتسبّب بهبوب رياح تغيير تتحدّى المقاربات التقليدية لإدارة سلسلة التوريد".

وأضاف عبد الرحيم الذي يعمل على تأسيس مركز لتميّز التوريد في المنطقة قائلاً: "في هذا الزمن الجديد، يفوز كل من استطاع ابتكار استراتيجيات جديدة والتكيّف مع التغييرات الجذرية".

شارك في المؤتمر هيثم اعتماد، مدير التوريد والعقود في مركز سدره الطبي للأبحاث. وشدد هذا الأخير على التوريد المبتكر في قطاع الرعاية الصحية. وتحدث عن إدارة عملية طرح المناقصات والتعاقد بشكل فاعل من خلال وضع الأفكار الاستراتيجية وإعادة تصميم الإجراءات والابتكار ونظام المناقصات الإلكتروني.

ومن جهته، قال بينو شاترجي، مدير عام قسم المشتريات (العمليات العالمية) لدى سترلنغ أند ولسون: "شهدت عمليات التوريد تغييرات كثيرة، فتحوّلت من مجرد عمليات بسيطة في المالية لتصبح واحدة من أهم عناصر إدارة الشركات الحديثة". وأردف قائلاً: "إنّ مستقبل المشتريات وسلسلة التوريد يبقى رهناً بإيجاد المصادر الاستراتيجية. إنّها أداة لإدارة سلسلة التوريد التي تحد من التكاليف. وهي تختلف عن عمليات الشراء التقليدية لأنّها تشدد أكثر على دورة حياة المنتجات ككل".

خلال المؤتمر، تحدث خبير التميّز التشغيلي وبطل معايير سيغما، الدكتور فاروق كيدواي عن تحقيق التميّز في تدفق القيمة. وقال إنّ التوريد أساسي لتحديد تكلفة المنتج، ودعا رؤوس أقسام التوريد في الشركات لتحدي الوضع الراهن. فبالنسبة له، لا يقوم وفاء العملاء على تلبية متطلباتهم بل يقوم على إرضائهم بشكل يدفعهم إلى العودة مراراً وتكراراً. وشدد الدكتور فاروق أيضاً على أهمية الحاجة المستمرة إلى إرساء المعايير من أجل تطور وتقدم صناعة التوريد.

من ناحيته، تحدث مدير اللوجستية في المنطقة لدى شركة ويذزفورد أويلتولز الشرق الأوسط عن التوريد المندفع بالابتكار وعن الرؤية والتحديات في وجه التوريد. وقد شرح أهم منهجية لمراقبة وإدارة دورة التوريد الكاملة. وقال: "إنّ تطوير التقنيات المبتكرة واعتماد مباءئ إدارية جديدة يؤثران إيجاباً على عملية التوريد ونظام سلسلة التوريد وأداء المؤسسة". ويشار إلى أنّ السيد توفيق معروف في صناعة التوريد وله ٣٠ عاماً من الخبرة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا.

بدوره، تحدث راجيش بندري، مدير مؤسسة أريهانت للتعليم في الهند عن التوريد الأخضر، وعن أسس سلسلة التوريد الأخضر الصحيحة الخمس (المكان الصحيح والوقت الصحيح والكمية الصحيحة والجودة الصحيحة والسعر الصحيح). وقال: "يتعين على محترفي المشتريات إعادة التفكير في الاستراتيجيات التي لم تأخذ في عين الاعتبار الأثر على البيئة". وأشار إلى الحاجة إلى التوريد الأخضر من أجل نمو الأعمال وشرح كيف تستطيع الاستراتيجية الخضراء (مثل تحديد الموردين الذين يخفضون بصمتهم الكربونية) أن تدفع بالمؤسسة قدماً وأن تساهم في جعلها منافسة.

أما الدكتور ساتيا مينون، مدير أكاديمية بلو أوشن، فشدد على "مخاطر البحث عن المصادر العالمية". وقال: "لإدارة مخاطر البحث عن المصادر العالمية ٤ استراتيجيات هي إعادة هندسة الشبكة والتعاون والمرونة وإدارة المخاطر. وعلى كافة محترفي التوريد أن يفهموا هذه المخاطر ويتفادوها من خلال وضع خطة فاعلة وتنفيذها". وأضاف: "تشير الدراسات إلى أنّ مديري أقسام التوريد يدركون المخاطر ولكنّهم غير قادرين على تطبيق استراتيجيات إدارتها".

عقد المؤتمر في فندق شيراتون الدوحة في شهر فبراير برعاية شركة سترلنغ أند ولسون وشركة بيت دوت كوم.

وفي هذا الإطار، قال السيد عبد العزيز، مدير التسويق في أكاديمية بلو أوشن: "بفضل حلولها الاستشارية والتدريبية المبتكرة والخاصة من أجل تغيير الشركات الكبيرة وتلك الصغيرة والمتوسطة، أرست أكاديمية بلو أوشن معايير جديدة لبناء القدرات وهي معايير تترجم على الفور بأرباح للشركات".

يقع مقر أكاديمية بلو أوشن في دبي وللشركة مكاتب في المملكة العربية السعودية وقطر والهند وأفريقيا وسريلنكا. وهي ذات سمعة رائجة بسبب ١٦ عاماً من التدريب  و٥٠ ألف متخرج عالمياً وشبكة عالمية من المدربين المعتمدين والشهادات المرموقة والشركاء العالميين.

تُعنى الأكاديمية بتصميم دروس وبرامج تردم الهوة القائمة بين البنية التحتية والمعرفة وتزود الجيل الجديد من القادة بمهارات متطورة. تُعرف الحلول التدريبية التي تقدمها الشركة بأنّها دقيقة ومبتكرة ومركزة. وتعمل على تحسين مهارات الموظفين من خلال جلسات تدريبية مبتكرة في بيئة تحاكي بيئة العمل.

إنّ الحلول التي تقدمها أكاديمية بلو أوشن مناسبة جداً للوضع الاقتصادي الراهن في منطقة الشرق الأوسط حيث أنّ الاستثمار في برامج تعليم الموظفين يثبت التزام الشركات بابتكار ثقافة عمل مستدامة.


لمزيد من الاستفسارات، الرجاء التواصل مع:

ديباسري بانرجي

الاتصالات المؤسسية

أكاديمية بلو أوشن

الهاتف: ١٤١٦٤٣٥-٠٥٠

العنوان الإلكتروني:



Tuesday, February 18, 2014


February 18, 2014







Blue Ocean, the region’s leading knowledge empowerment enterprise organized its first international procurement conference in Doha Qatar recently where heads of procurement from major corporations in the Middle East got together to benchmark their best practices and brainstorm on the main theme : “Evolution in Procurement : Challenges Ahead.”

Experts agreed that procurement managers were no longer a “post office” and decided on a new name “value stream management” to describe the process of international procurement adeptly. They agreed that trained and tech-savvy procurement professionals are the need of the hour and all major companies are head-hunting empowered procurement professionals who can cut costs and boost bottom lines in a resurgent Middle East economy.

Samer Abdulraheem, Vice President, Procurement, Qatar Airways Group, who is leading the procurement transformation programme for Qatar Airways said: “Ever-increasing customer demand, dramatic changes in technology, heightened economic challenges and enhanced risks to business continuity are bringing in waves of change that are challenging traditional approaches to supply chain management.”

“In this new era, the winners will be those who can create new strategies and adapt to radical changes,” he added. Mr. Samer is working towards setting up a procurement centre for excellence in the region.

Haytham Etemad, Head of Procurement & Contracts, Sidra Medical Research Centre,   highlighted the need for innovative procurement in the healthcare sector. Mr. Haytham talked about effectively managing the tendering and contracting process through strategic overview, process redesign, innovation and e-tender system.

Speaking on the occasion, Benu Chatterjee, General Manager, Purchase (International Operations), Sterling & Wilson said “Procurement as a function has undergone a series of changes, growing from a minor function in finance and operations to become one of the most important components of modern corporate management.”

“The future of purchasing and supply chain depends on strategic sourcing. It is a supply chain management tool that delivers significant cost reduction, it differs from conventional purchasing because it places emphasis on the entire life-cycle of a product,” he added.

Operational Excellence expert and Six Sigma champion, Dr. Farrukh Kidwai talked about “achieving excellence in the value stream.” The CEO of Operational Excellence, FZE, Dr. Kidwai said that procurement was critical to determining the cost of the product, urging all procurement heads to challenge status quo. According to him customer loyalty was not all about meeting customer demands but delighting customers in a way that they come back for more. Dr. Farrukh also highlighted the need for constant benchmarking for improvement and evolution of the procurement industry.

Amr Tawfik, Region Logistics Manager, Weatherford Oiltools ME talked about innovation-driven procurement, vision and challenges. He outlined the most important methodology to control and monitor the complete cycle of the procurement process. “Developing innovative techniques, and deploying new management principles will have a positive impact on the procurement process, supply chain system and consequently on the organizational performance,” he added. Mr. Tawfik is renowned name in the procurement industry and has 30 years of MENA experience.

Rajesh Bhandari, Director Arihant Education Foundation, India talked about Green Procurement and the 5 Rs of a Green Supply Chain. “Purchasing professionals need to rethink strategies which have traditionally neglected the environmental impact. He outlined the need to turn green for business growth, how a green strategy (like identifying suppliers who take care to reduce their carbon footprint) can give your organization a competitive edge.

Dr. Sathya Menon, Academic Director Blue Ocean Academy emphasized on “Risks to Global Sourcing.” There are four generic strategies for managing global sourcing risks : network re-engineering, collaboration, agility and a risk management culture. “All procurement professionals need to understand and guard against these risks by putting together an effective plan in place.”

“Studies show that while most procurement managers are aware of the risks their companies are exposed to they are unable to implement risk management strategies,” he added.

Held at Doha Sheraton in February, the glittering Blue Ocean conference was sponsored by Sterling Wilson and

“Armed with its innovative consulting and training solutions, custom -designed to provide a makeover to major companies as well as small and medium enterprises, Blue Ocean has set a new benchmark in building capabilities, translating directly into organizational profits,” explained Mr. Abdul Azeez, Director, Marketing, Blue Ocean Academy.

Headquartered in Dubai with a strong presence in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, India, Africa and Sri Lanka, Blue Ocean stands on an enviable reputation built on 16 years of training, 50,000 alumni worldwide and a global network of certified trainers, prestigious international certifications and multinational partners.

The Blue Ocean has always specialized in designing courses that bridge the gap between infrastructure and knowledge, imparting futuristic skills to a new genre of leaders. Its training solutions are known to be accurate, creative and focused. Employee skills are honed through a series of innovative training sessions in a simulated work environment.

Blue Ocean Academy’s brand new solutions are particularly relevant in today’s resurgent Middle East economy, where investing in employee -learning programs showcases a company’s commitment in creating a sustainable business culture.


For further queries pls. contact

Debasree Banerjee, Corporate Communications

Blue Ocean Academy.050-1416435

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Blue Ocean HR Forum Free Workshop on Change Management, February 22 at Park Regis Dubai, 2-3- p.m. onwards

Employees Must be Motivated to Accept Change : Gulf News article dated February 4, 2014

Dr. Sathya Menon, Academic Director, Blue Ocean Academy writes on Change Management in Gulf  News column titled " Expert Advice" dated February 4, 2014......


Change is Inevitable, the Challenge lies in Managing it

Change Management is all about the importance of keeping an organization in a state of “perpetual unrest.”

However maintaining employee confidence and optimum performance during organizational change can often be more challenging than the change itself.

When organizations must manage unexpected challenges, improve performance or innovate to meet market demands, employee cooperation is essential. Therefore adaptable and successful organizations need leaders with expert proficiency in understanding the human change process.

It has been observed that effective leadership skills significantly reduce change resistance and can lead to change acceptance.

Change is the introduction of something new that moves us outside of our comfort zone. However, in the successful implementation of any change, it is the process of transitions that gains more importance than the change itself.

As a leader within an organization you are likely to be faced with different reactions from employees. The first will be the innovators:  those who want to try new ways of doing things or who have responsibility for continuous improvement. They will be pushing for change, eager to make things more efficient and up to date, and ready to try something different.

Then there will be the early adopters on the team who will be the first to embrace the changes. They welcome change, either because they immediately see the benefits or, perhaps, because they prefer variety to routine.


The early Majority are those who are influenced by initiators and early adopters and who prefer to be ahead of the wave rather than swamped by it. The late majority is more cautious. They hold back until they are sure they know what they are doing and until they believe the change has a fair chance of working. Only then do they come on board.


The late adopters are the last to come on board and they may not come willingly. They are not easily convinced of the value of change, but they can be moved to accept the change.


The diehards resist the change. They do not come on board. They may be terminated or they may be moved to a backwater position in the organization where their resistance interferes with operations less.


Managers and change leaders have noticed something interesting about groups that move into a transition. When 5 per cent of the people in a group adopt a change, the change is embedded. When 20 per cent  have adopted the change, the progress is unstoppable. If a leader is successful in getting innovators and early adopters onboard, the success of the change is assured.


Handy Hints


·       Employee cooperation is essential to manage change.


·       When 5per cent employees adopt a change, it is embedded.


·       When 20 per cent employees adopt change, progress is inevitable.


Dr. Sathya Menon is Academic Director, Blue Ocean Academy, Dubai.


Thursday, February 6, 2014



February 6, 2014





Dubai  : Blue Ocean,  the region’s premier knowledge empowerment enterprise is set to blaze a new trail of success with its first international conference on “Purchasing & International Procurement 2014" focusing on the relevant theme  of  “Evolution in Procurement : Challenges Ahead”curement: Challenges Ahead."

Date : February 8, 2014

Time : 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Venue : Sheraton Doha Resort & Convention Hotel
Al Corniche St., P.O. Box 6000, Doha, Qatar
curement: Challenges Ahead."

Date : February 8, 2014

Time : 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Venue : Sheraton Doha Resort & Convention Hotel
Al Corniche St., P.O. Box 6000, Doha, Qatar

The conference will get together eminent professionals from the world of purchase, international procurement and supply chain in the Middle East who will chronicle the changes taking place in the procurement industry and brainstorm on the challenges ahead.

Slated to held on Saturday, February 8 at the Sheraton Doha Resort & Convention Centre, Qatar, the conference will feature among others Samer Abdul Raheem, Vice President, Procurement, Qatar Airways Group who will talk on “Procurement Transformation: Between Successes & Challenges”; Sheraton Doha Resort & Convention Hotel
Al Corniche St., P.O. Box 6000, Doha, Qatar Doha Resort & Convention Hotel
Al Corniche St., P.O. Box 6000, Doha, Qatar

 Sheraton Doha Resort & Convention Hotel
Al Corniche St., P.O. Box 6000, Doha, Qatar
“Procurement has come out of obscurity and into mainstream business. As a function, it has evolved through a series of challenges,  growing from a minor function within finance or operations, to become one of the most important components of modern corporate management,” said  John Ellis, Chief Operating Officer of Blue Ocean Academy who will deliver the welcome address at the conference. 

“Procurement competence has also taken a more strategic approach because the way we do business has changed. There has been a natural strategic business evolution from purchasing to sourcing to strategic procurement to supply management in the last 10 - 15 years,” said Dr. Sathya Menon, Academic Director, Blue Ocean Academy who will speak on the topic : “Risks in Global Supply Chain.”  


Two enormous changes have revolutionized the face of procurement.


“First procurement has become deeply intertwined with business strategy. Rather than simply functioning as a standalone business unit, procurement managers and directors are now coordinating their purchases with senior executives to ensure that the company strategy is implemented across the board,” explained Dr. Farrukh Kidwai, Chief Executive Officer, Operational Excellence.

“The second change in procurement that has entirely changed its character is the rise of e-Procurement. Whereas before procurement professionals worked over the telephone, compiling information as they went, they are now able to document information online, gaining access to far more information that allows them to make more effective decisions both at the level of cost and at the level of strategy,” he added.

Many companies have moved beyond the most basic stages of procurement maturity, often adopting strategic sourcing, category management, Supplier Relation Management tools to add value to the chain.


Global Sourcing : Risks


There are four generic strategies for managing global sourcing risk: network re-engineering, collaboration, agility and a risk management culture.


All procurement professionals need to understand and guard against these risks by putting together an effective plan in place.


Studies show that while most procurement managers are aware of the risks their companies are exposed to, they are unable to implement risk management strategies, in most cases these strategies are either not implemented at all or in an ad-hoc basis.


“This conference will prove to be an eye-opener about risks that are faced in global sourcing,” explained Dr. Sathya Menon.



The Changing Face of Procurement Professionals


Marketplaces worldwide are witnessing an unprecedented pace of change. As a result, businesses are rapidly re-evaluating their operating models and market strategies not just to withstand these market forces, but also to capitalize on them.


Procurement professionals have a significant role to play in helping organizations achieve their objectives and prepare for the uncertainty ahead.


Highly mature procurement departments have stepped-up their game, fundamentally changing the way they work with the business and – as a result – are increasingly taking a leadership role in helping drive growth and reduce costs across the organizations.


For the Procurement function to achieve a place at the table, more work should be done to align to key stakeholders and understand the business operations.


This means moving up the value chain to ensure that the function is involved much earlier in the decision-making processes and clearly demonstrating how active involvement adds tangible value to both the bottom and the top lines.


The procurement process needs to be reoriented to include other value-added services to the business. This requires a culture-shift, taking procurement away from the tactical, category-focused culture that seems to dominate most functions, to one that is fully aligned with the organizational goals and active in the strategic decision-making processes of the business.


“No doubt, Chief Purchase Officers (CPOs) and Supply Chain Directors will increasingly find themselves reassessing their operating models to squeeze greater value from their activities around the world,” said Mr. Abdul Azeez, Regional Marketing Director, Blue Ocean Academy.


About Blue Ocean


Armed with its innovative consulting and training solutions, custom -designed to provide a makeover to major companies as well as small and medium enterprises, Blue Ocean has set a new benchmark in building capabilities, translating directly into organizational profits.


Headquartered in Dubai with a strong presence in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, India, Africa and Sri Lanka, Blue Ocean stands on an enviable reputation built on 16 years of training, 50,000 alumni worldwide and a global network of certified trainers, prestigious international certifications and multinational partners.


The Blue Ocean has always specialized in designing courses that bridge the gap between infrastructure and knowledge, imparting futuristic skills to a new genre of leaders. Its training solutions are known to be accurate, creative and focused. Employee skills are honed through a series of innovative training sessions in a simulated work environment.


Blue Ocean Academy’s brand new solutions are particularly relevant in today’s resurgent Middle East economy, where investing in employee -learning programs showcases a company’s commitment in creating a sustainable business culture.


This, in turn, increases profitability, builds loyalty and employees are committed to the success of the organization as a whole. Evidently organizations with a futuristic vision are committed to make training a part of the organizational culture and Blue Ocean is set to help organizations fulfill this very important role. Continuous training translates into highly engaged employees; employees going that extra mile to meet organizational goals ; improved teamwork; increased ability to be competitive and loyal employees.






For further queries pls. contact


Debasree Banerjee

Corporate Communications

Blue Ocean Academy.



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